30 days FREE trial
Get started with our affordable Starter plan, perfect for basic website needs!
3-Page Website
On-Page SEO
SMS and Email Automations
Missed Call Text Back
Lead Management App
Contact Form and Chat Widget
Reputation Management
Get More Power: Go Unlimited Today
No hassles. Just results!
4-Page Website
Everything In Starter+
Advanced SMS and Email Automations
Google Reviews Automation
Payment Processing
Calendar Booking System
Take your success to the next level
Go Pro and make it happen!
5-Page + Website
Everything In Unlimited+
First Page on Google
Ongoing SEO Updates
AI Employee 24/7-Voice AI
Review management with AI responses
Leaddium streamlines and automates your lead generation process, helping you target, engage, and manage high-quality leads efficiently.
How does Leaddium pricing works, are there any hidden fees?
Leaddium offers transparent, subscription-based pricing with no hidden fees, ensuring you only pay for the features and services you choose.
Yes, with Leaddium, you can easily create, automate, and manage email marketing campaigns to engage your leads and drive conversions.
Does Leaddium integrate with social media platforms?
Yes, Leaddium integrates with various social media platforms, allowing you to capture leads, automate outreach, and manage interactions directly from within the platform.
Leaddium ensures compliance with SMS and email marketing regulations by adhering to industry standards, including GDPR, CAN-SPAM, and TCPA, offering features like opt-in/opt-out management, consent tracking, and automatic unsubscribe options to protect both you and your recipients.